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Houston, Texas
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The Autobiography of Truffle Butter
Tammisha L. Hunter, born September 2, 1981, in Houston Texas' Eastway General Hospital on
Houston's NorthEast side of town adjacent to Settegast, 5th Ward Texas and NorthShore / ChannelView
Communities, to a Mother Nina C. Ellison (born in Clinton Park Fidelity Texas on the East Side of
Houston) and Father David H. Hunter, began her journey with the sole sources of a ground-breaking
phenomonal presentation of standards in the background areas of Entertainment that she begged and
pleaded her parents and grandparents to help her financially in succeeding with her success at the age of 4.
Along with the help of her Great Cousin and Paternal Grandmother she began on her way to succeeding
in Music. Tammisha's parents and grandparents did not know much about the industry, but did the best
they could in satisfying the young inspired female in pursuing her dreams just at the age of 4.
Tammisha grew up in the South Park area where she attended a Head Start and participated in the Queen
and King pageant winning second place. She began her educational journey at Alcott Elementary where
she was involved in many accelerated events and societies. In Middle School she went to school in the
Heart of Third Ward Texas to a school named as Turner Elementary. Attending Middle School at
Fondren Middle School transferring to Alice Johnson, then Cunningham
Middle School because she had moved areas. Graduating from NorthShore Senior High; Class of 1999.
Tammisha went into pursuing Collegiate Studies.
Tammisha was a distinguished and determined Pre-Kindergarten through 6th grade speech reader, reciting
speeches that were compatible to the average High school aged child.Winning an Essay that was
recognized by Jet Magazine and Ebony Magazine.
At the age of 7, Tammisha involved herself in Spelling Bee's at Alcott Elementary and also in the
Elementary's Music Departments' Stage Plays and Musical Recitals where she tried out and made the
Dance Team, Spelling Bee teams, Theatrical Arts team, and African Can Dance Society African Dance
Line along with being associated with Black History month in the black history Chorale from PreKindergarten through 5th grade. She was a front line dancer in the movements of The African Can Dance
and a second line Rythm Dancer in the genre of Hip Hop/Pop Dance. She made a smashing dance debut
to Janet Jackson's 1989 Album "Rythm Nation" release debuting to the song track "Rythm Nation".
From the ages of 11 to 13, Tammisha attended Fondren Middle School, Turner Middle School, Alice
Johnson Middle School and Cunningham Intermediate where she attempted to stay involved in some type
of activities. She won first place in an essay Contest held by an Organization from Africa who awarded her
with a small monetary prize and an award (trophy/plaque) while attending Turner Middle School in the
heart of Third Ward Texas. The Award was presented to Tammisha by the Ebony & Jet Magazine Staff
Company & Owner/Founder.
Inspired by the Music industry, Tammisha went on tour marketing and promoting her music career after
Bonjelle's Modeling and Acting Talent Agency scouted her as a candidate to the agency's campaign to
launch her career. More than 100,000 people attended the young entertainer's first performance as the
R&B/Hip Hop group "702" opened the show. 702 and Tammisha were spoke to in regards to her joining
the group but her age (14 years old) wasn’t wanted at the time.
Tammisha found the fantasies of Six Flags Astroworld's Studio Booth a great place to practice her pitch
and tone for vocals.
Piano-ist Prince Hall of Third Ward's Blue Triangle YMCA lectured Tammisha with the astonishing
sounds of his Baby Grand Piano, teaching Tammisha the chords to the Piano and the physical motions of
the motions in "fingerworks". She also has taken Drum.
After the ambitions of her parents and grandparents attempts to make her the Star she always dreamed to
be failed, she took the matters and considered it as a responsibility that she had to take, opening up
resources to communicate with agencies in the progression of her music and acting career.
"Communicating with Music and Entertainment Resources is often hard, she says "with so many scams
out there across the world, I continue to waste money". " But I can say that I am finally getting
somewhere". Tammisha's first Music Release was with HillTop Records with the release of lyrics to a song
she wrote titled, "The Grand Ol' Flag". A Project that I was asked to be involved in.
With many other underground recordings and as a participant in mixtapes, Tammisha's next hit was
discovered on ReverbNation (song: Need to Know). Heather Headley has commented on the sounds of
the song written and sung by Tammisha titled, "Need to Know" on the MySpace website.
Creating her own Genre of musical inspiration, Tammisha has found herself overwhelming a crowd of
people in Public Places with astonishing lyrical motivations from her voice. She wows a crowd with her
flavor of R&B/Jazz sensations that are so surprisingly astonishing. Her Spoken Word Rap/Hip Hop
astonishes the same type of crowds. More known in her Spoken Word Rap Hip Hop from a Multicultural
Perspective from making herself known she decided to Rap releasing R&B sometimes. Tammisha was
asked in an interview where did she get her motivation from? She replied, "It's within my soul....But I
express my mind through the messages of my mind & heart".
Tammisha has recorded such songs as “It’s On”(Baby Oiled Down Booty in a Hot Pink Thong), Luv Ci’
Cr’z, "Need To Know", “Computer Love”, I’m Bossin Up” Love Concentration”, “Constantly”, “If
Only”, “Puppy Love” and "Surely Satisfaction". Her Lyrics (All 24 Books of Songs) are established and
located at The Library of Congress-Washington DC building.
Tammisha has been invited to many spotlighting events involving political parties such as Mayor Annise
Parker's Annual Spelling Bee Competition and Music and Entertainment Associations such as the
ASCAP Conferences. Tammisha Hunter known as the artist name “Truffle Butter” is now as of April 1st,
2023 a part affiliated with BMI and is her publishing rights organization (PRO).
With various submissions to Summer Camps across the globe, Tammisha has been contacted by many
organizations for youth and young adults in countries like Africa, Canada and China and has been
entered into the Who's Who Magazine. Tammisha is a Greek Affiliation Sigma Alpha Pi Alumni.
Tammisha has been involved in multiple projects for design concept. Designing Cars, Formal Wear
Clothing, Clothes, Watches, Jewelry, Handbags and Shoes. She has very vivid art scheme work that she is
famous for from Nike's Nike ID and Nike.
Tammisha is a shoe designer for Alive Shoes and Bucket Feet. She has an upcoming project to Brand her
own Perfume, Cosmetics, Jewelry, Lingerie, Clothing Line and Candles.
When asked Tammisha replied to the questions of "What inspired you to want to pursuit these lines of
fashion?" She said, "I want to be as big as Revlon, CoverGirl …Gucci (naming many Brands)... I've always
wanted to be a makeup model!" “Maybe when I get signed to a Music Deal one day they will make me a
Model so that in Videos during Concerts, Awards Ceremonies and TV Commercials, I will stay in the
Products promoting Brand Awareness.arena as well as while I do my Music.
Tammisha is a Movie screenwriter. With the hopes of one day becoming a Director/Writer and Producer
of her own screenplays. B8 STUDIOS has shown interest in her movies(2024). Movie Titles such as
“Saturday Love” , Horse Tails, Within, My Mother’s Will and Frankly Clementine (with the hopes of
Beyonce, Tahaji Henson, Macy Gray, Cedric the Entertainer, Cardi B , Tweet and more to Spotlight as
Awwing the crowd, correcting the misbeliefs of her talent, she has touched souls and lives with the rhythm
and style that she contributes to the Music Industry. Her sound is new and fresh out the oven with a
mixture of Spoken Word, Rap, and R&B all in one. I also have some Rough Tomboy Reggae songs
wanting One to premiere on Each Album.
Misbeliefs were the judgements of her clothing and style which is Boogie Nights and Hippie as she totes a
Guitar randomly.
Some songs, such as “Puppy Love” which is going to release on Album 1, she uses a Guitar, unless the
Record Label says to sing the Hook R&B style which is one her preferences.”
No one knew that she sang the type of style that she did, until she was noticed on April 5th, 2015 by The
Akademia Music Awards and Producer Major Keyz from a website source known as ReverbNation, at the
time named as (Artist #4034031 "Physicale aka Koala Bear) discovered by the Hit Song "Need to Know"
written by Tammisha Hunter (Kokoa Koala) and Produced by XO (Famous Music Producer) , a producer
at Studio 713 in the Downtown Houston area. His name is known in the Industry Worldwide.
She states, "My vision is to bring something to the table in the music industry that is brand new and to
build the hierarchy and pyramid of motivation dripping water on the subjects of Love, Sex, Confusion,
Infidelity, Hurt and Pain, Emotion, Fun etc........ "I want to be outspoken with these type of lyrics all the
My music is sensational and delivers the elements of elevated piano, guitar,drum & acoustic
synchronization from both me and my producer, Major Keyz, Tony Sway, Barron Studios,Cornerstone,
XO from 713 Studios & Nataniel Ortega Celebrity Sounds Studios".
In 2024 Tammisha has a new Producer named Sukoon with 281 Studios.
Growing up, Tammisha attended the Church house named as Mount Moriah Baptist Church and has an
affiliation with many Gospel Celebrities such as Kim Burrell, Marcus D. Wiley, Albertina Walker, Fred
Hammond, Daryl Coley, Shirley Caesar and Yolonda Adams. Yolanda Adams also grew up in the same
Church house - Mt. Moriah Baptist Church in Clinton Park Texas in attendance with her Grandmother,
Mrs. Means, Usher and Dedicated Member.
Tammisha was involved in the travel of ministry across the state of Texas ministering Music in the Youth
Choir to churches in which her home church fellowships. Tammisha is an alumni of Texas Southern
University's Top Teens of America Chapter 27 (The Tiger Room). An Alumni of Walden University where
she earned her Bachelors of Science Degree. And were selected as a Sigma Alpha Pi .
Tammisha was in ROTC as well as a student in the North Shore High School Debate and Rebuttle team.
Tammisha was asked to be an extra in the Hollywood Film Rushmore which was filmed in multiple areas
to include North Shore High School, Katy High School etc.(see IMDB www.imdb.com/rushmore ).
Tammisha has a mixed culture of friends from different ethnicities, races, nationalities, cultures and
backgrounds and is an inspiration to her friends and families.
Graduating High school in the year 1999, Tammisha married into an abusive marriage in 2000 which
ended through a divorce in 2004. Tina Turner, Oprah Winfrey & Whitney Houston's movies such as, "The
Color Purple" and Tina Turner's "What's Love got to do with it?" became some of Tammisha's favorite
Celebrities. Tammisha never knew why she loves Whitney Houston, but now she knows it is because we
can relate tona similiar issue just as Tina Turner. Tina Turner is someone who Tammisha always wished to
be her GodMom.
Tammisha has one child from the marriage and a second child whom was conceived after the marriage
had ended. Her two Boy Children, Ke'Deon and Hunter are the ages of 22 and 19 years old and three
Grandbabies, one boy and two girls, named Kingston, Stormi and Selena.
Attending College to become a Surgical Technologist, able to work in 41 states across the Country,
graduating in the year 2004 from The Aademy of HealthCare Professions going on to pursuit a Career at The Methodist Health Systems San Jacinto
Baytown Hospital where she obtained work in the Labor and Delivery Department.
Tammisha is now in Real Estate Trainers Agent Edition and Independent Texas All Lines Insurance
Adjusting which is Pending a Recertification/ReInstatement able to reciprocate and utilize this career’s
advantages in multiple States.
Tammisha is involved with the J.D. Rockefeller's Foundation, Quirky, Elsevier and Thomas Edison's
Organization. She has earned a Certificate from the Government for Linguistic Competency and
Communications from an Accredited Continuing Education Credit Counseling Center known as Cine'-
Med in association with The Accreditation Council for Continuing Education (ACCME).
Her ambition is guiding her to the dream she wants to fulfill and that is the awesome idea to on President's
Day sing the hit song, which was sung by Natalie Cole and her father Nat King Cole, "Unforgettable" at a
Ceremony held for all 46 Presidents (and counting) and their host of Staff, Committee and Invites.
She stated, "I want to appreciate our President's for bringing us thus far and raising a nation of strong
will-minded individuals who want to make a difference ...The Song “Unforgettable” reminds me of how
we will never forget our Presidents... Even though some of them are past away, none of them including
those who are still living will ever be forgotten... They are Unforgettable. This song honors the families of
the President's as well … The Presidents themselves". She replied, (excitedly) I surely cannot wait to sing
"The Star Bangled Banner" also. I applied to sing it for the Audience on the Network TV show, "The Real"
but no response as of yet!"(Reference. 2017). She sings a classic version with high pitch soprano and wins
the soprano part no screaming no False Tenor as she sang the final finale and end hook “Oe’r the land of
the free and the Home of the brave” in the utmost famous high-pitched Opera Soprano Chord, the
original way. It’s good to see a Star that can sing the original National Anthem and Truffle Butter is one.
Tammisha Hunter is a Research Scientist, earning a Position in Research Science work with Johnson and
Johnson Innovations calling her back several times to complete assignments. Getting ready to launch a
Women Business owned research company promoting Africa American women's hair growth and
supplements for the skin such as tanning lotions for example our pigment is darker and it needs things to
protect it from the sun's surface. In hopes to launch a 1099 Independent Contractor Chain of African
American Female with some Male Scientist along with other races, creed, colors and nationalities. Do you
know the difference between perception and perspective? By perception, you would think only lighter
colored skin needs tanning lotion so that it won’t burn but in all reality darker color skin also needs a
barrier of protection. Owning the company Emerson Science Health and Technology Innovations she is
collaboratively looking for scientists aboard her team. Also always getting requisitions from government
companies such as Sam.gov, FDA.gov, NASA and Johnson & Johnson Innovations etc . Her other
educational and business goals are at the likes of subjects such as real estate, music, movies and clothing.
In Tammisha's younger days, she was in love with Rap and said she is cold on the Mic, but it wasn’t her
first choice of direction as a child growing up only because her spirit, rhythm and style wanted to
annunciate and pronounce so many different instrumentals that they all flow out of her spirit in a different
way, so she wanted to express her rhythm of music through song. But it's unusual all of them go together,
when her spirit speaks through every song. She has some type of different approach. With her Brilliant
Tied Tongue she still Wows the Crowd. Now for the last 14 years she is indulged and enthused by rap,
reggae, jazz, spoken word and R&B.
In an interview, the artist was asked why she had chosen her stage name? She replied, I don't know... I like
it, it's cute! I really like the stage name "Physicale"…. I named myself quite awhile ago as Physicale aka
Koala Bear as it had appeared on my old ReverbNation account". Little does anyone know I have changed
my name five times ending up with the name Truffle Butter finally Trademarking it so that it can be mine. I
went from Physicale, Bonita Applebaum, Kokoa Koala, Kokoa Venom, Queen Koala, to the now known
Truffle Butter.
Truffle Butter has lingerie, clothing line, a t-shirt line, quotes slogans etc.. awaiting a huge Supply on
Demand to start flowing. In simultaneous creations to the same persona, sound and style she
contemplates and hums to never change since childhood. With a queen of an ego as she meditates and
looks at herself with a motivational state of mind, stating, I can see myself chant made with the power of
beliefs in placing foot on your destination goal which hers is music, the stage, performing at concerts, red
carpet, winning Grammys and more... She is already active with Red Carpet appearances through her
Personal Concierge Team. She speaks to herself speaking "Truffle Butter, you will catch the Hearts, Minds
& Souls of People through your Message…she brainstorms, stating that her music “its so Sentimentally
Here is a heads up you can search for Concerts, Shows and events through her Booking Agent, Mrs. Amy
Kintz or through myafton.com/trufflebutter or through her Popsicle Dream Themed website.
https//:trufflebuttermusic.com for more information.
MAKE SURE YOU USE HTTPS//: in front of the name of the website, trufflebuttermusic.com because Truffle Butter's Self Selected Friend who she wants to meet one day NICKI MINAJ has a Song titled TRUFFLE BUTTER and it is slamming on the internet. So without the HTTPS//: it will be hard for you to find trufflebuttermusic.com
VISIT https//:trufflebuttermusic.com
Tammisha L. Hunter as “Truffle Butter “ 42 y/o
Female MusicArtist : Spoken Word Rap, Reggae and R&B Houston, Texas
Websites: TRUFFLE BUTTER https//:www.trufflebuttermusic.com
Truffle Butter is a proud Music Member of the BMI PRO organisation.
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